Third Year Project Research - START!
Fire Emblem
Seventh in the series but the first to be released outside of Japan, I've no idea where I got the idea to play this game but I did, and I was proper hooked for a while over a summer holiday I seem to remember. Good times. Anyway, i'm only going to look at the character classes tonight as it's very late, but here goes. Firstly here's a sample of my favourite classes in the game:
These guys were massive, the ground shook when they walked, and they attacked slowly but powerfully. I've not looked at an image of the game for years now probably, but I still remember them. Not exactly original but a brilliant redesign of a classic. As a side note, this game is a SRPG (Strategy Role-Playing Game). You basically play like pieces on a chess board, advancing towards the enemies and carefully managing your formations until you were in range and used the 'attack' command, when you would be shown a small clip of your little guy smashing the little bad guy with whatever weapon he held. The animation was beautiful. Here's an animation of the Knight's upgraded form - the General. (That's another point, the guys upgraded when they reached level 10 out of a possible 20. I bloody love when things upgrade/evolve)
weee :D
These were awesome (i'm going to say that about every class.) I remember they were quick, got critical hits like all the time, and had crazy evasion. Their animations were among my favourite in the game I think. Well, maybe not but at least they got criticals all the time and they looked class. Here's a critical.
I don't actually think I liked these above the other classes, but while checking through the animation is really snazzy, so check it out anyway. I think I prefer the paladins from FFXI. Maybe they'll feature in an upcoming blogaroo.
I remember thinking these were quite a strange class, not something i'd come across before. They're basically White Mages (clerics, healers, etc) on horses. Hmm... Also I remember liking her more when she was in her unpromoted form. Not a special animation but here's Priscilla the troubadour.
Pegasus Knight
What a brilliant class eh? Some girls with lances on Pegasus'. How are there more than one pegasus? Who knows. There were three pegasus knight sisters, awesome. They were super weak to begin with but became awesome if you really trained them up. Lovely animation as well. I love how much dynamism can be captured in the tiniest of sprites. And i even love the colours, what are there, like three? You see, that's the type of thing that I wouldn't allow myself to do but marvel when others do. Anyway, anyway.
I love mages. I've always loved mages. I think it's because they're the smart weak ones. I mean i love warriors and stuff too but I guess i feel an affinity to the mage. This is probably my favourite character in the game and possible even one of my favourite mages ever: ERK! I don't know why, I love his name, his little outfit, everything. Brilliance. Here he is doing some magic. (You'll have to imagine the magic)
A close relation to the Mage is the Druid. They look a bit like evil mages, but in this game they could be goodies, they just dabbled in Dark Magic or whatever it was called back then. Arcane? Maybe. Here's Canas.
I'm going to show you the most memorable Thief/Assassin in the game, Jaffar (even though he never spoke as far as i remember). I remember he looked after the litte Mage, Nino. (She was awesome too.) On this occasion I think he was cooler outside the battle animations, I feel he lost his personality when they shrunk him down so small, but he was awesome nonetheless.
I think that'll do for tonight, but here are a few more animations whose characters didn't make it, but are still super-awesome.
Okay so maybe this isn't anything like hard work, but it's helpful right? At least i'm writing a blog. And it has helped me to remember a little about what I really love about RPG Classes. I have quite a nostalgic feeling. I love the moment when your characters evolve, they get bigger, better, more awesome... Maybe we need some evolution in the third year trailer? That'd be pretty fucking sweet. Something to think about.
Semi-EDIT: Alright, looking at the pictures on the blog is really annoying, what the hell is with those stupid white borders? They're ruining everything! I think it's time for a fresh layout for the site. I'll work on that when I have some free time. Might just copy android arts' blog, that looks nice.
Just a little closing rambling, turn off now. I actually feel a little bad because this blog post hasn't contained any hard work lols. Actually that's probably not it. Regardless, I'll continue to do this research, post it up here and as I sketchsketchsketch I'll update also. I actually have some that i'll upload tomorrow or something. Tomorrow, the very final deadline... I wonder what we'll do next week. It'll be really nice to have some free time. I'll still be coming in to the studio but i'll just be doing what I want. I think I want to get good at mudbox. It wasn't as easy as i'd expected. It'll definitely take some working if i'm to make really beautiful models for the third year... actually that's inspired me to go do some digging, so that's what i'll do :) Au revoir. Hope this post's not been too crappy.
EDIT: Fixed the white boxes :D Also I forgot I was gonna do a little Listening to: bit, because I love music and more people should know this. Just a quick one for now.
Listening to: Bloc Party - Ion Square (Joel's Bright Lights Don't Bore Me Yet version) <3
p.s. Please comment if you have anything to say. I promise i'll reply :D
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