Wednesday 12 November 2008


Finished my first/third guy :D I've hated him for so long, but weirdly... I almost like him now. It literally happened in the last 10 minutes when I was finishing the painting/playing with the colour levels and saturation. Strange. I think it's cause he just helped me realise the importance of playing about with the image when you're done with it. Helps give the image much more impact. I've heard people saying that but doing it yourself really changes things. Once again he looks pretty different to the other two characters in my opinion, but I think that may be indicative of the things that i'm learning as i continue on with this project. The first guy I finished took me forever, I was getting too bogged down in the details and only realised half way through. The next character is much less detailed but more dynamic. I think I might need to do some colour correction though. And comparing them all together right now makes me wonder whether I went overboard with the colour stuff on my latest finished character... lol. Oh well, I'm learning and that's what's important. How long have I been doing these? Seems like forever, I don't even want to know...

Really need to nail my story and character bios asap. I feel kind of bad that I'm creating these characters with little in mind but aesthetics. I don't think that's the way to go about it. Thinking about it, I have a problem where I try not to get myself into trouble by thinking of character traits and personalities too early on, as to not end up having to omit them because i'm not good enough to convey the emotions properly when it comes to the actual painting. I just start sketching with a vague idea in mind and see what I come up with, then plan around that... Totally the wrong thing to do I'm pretty sure. I'll need to set this straight at some point. I find it reaaaaaally difficult conveying subtle character nuances, or even really obvious ones sometimes. I hope with experience i'll have a better handle over emotion and stuff like that, so I can have a strong idea in mind and blast it out straight away.

Think that's all I have to blab on about right now... Although I do have some sketches. Lemme scan em.

There's a potential fourth character and a potential bad guy. Both very simple sketches. I'm having trouble deciding what to do for my fourth char... I'm gonna have to think about it for a while I think. Do I go for a crazy character? Silent and brooding? Tough guy? bleh.

Anyway, here's my finished third guy, who is... I think.. The main character in the group, although he doesn't deserve to be because he's given me so much hassle :P.

p.s. I'm not ill anymore :D :D

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