Thursday 4 February 2010


Blog time! Bit of a weird time to be doing it but I missed last friday :x Surprisingly I feel really far behind on the blogging already :O I've got quite a bit to show, and there won't be much writing cause it's presentation time today. In brief, since my last blog i've kinda completed my basemesh for the Boxer ready for mudbox, I fixed some problems with Andy's rig, and accepted EVEN MORE work in the form of drawing a sketchbook for Pete's channel 4 show :D

So here are the pics. In chronological order.

Here's a little picture I made that looks at the topology of my model. On the right you see the original model that I made, and as you can see it's pretty dense. From the start I didn't want to limit myself to make a low-poly model, but I thought this was far too dense, particularly in the chest, so I decided to start it from scratch again from the collar bone area. You can see the reworked model in the center with a much tidier and less dense mesh. I think it's a great improvement, especially as it gives a similar shape to what I want with much less geometry than the original.

You can also see where I played around with the original in Mudbox (although this demonstrates nothing, really) and where I started playing around with a really great plugin called nex, which you can use to draw polygons directly onto other models. I think this would be really handy in retopologising hi-poly models, and i'll almost definitely use it again in the future, although I didn't think it was necessary in this case, really.

Just for a second I'll go back to show the reference that i've been working from for this guy.

Some of this you've seen before, but that doesn't matter. Basically the problem that I encountered was the way that the guy varies so much. Of course this is my fault but due to this I found it quite difficult on deciding on a final look for the guy, when it came to drawing a turnaround of him. I settled on this, with the thought that I can change whatever I want as I go along.

I wasn't 100% happy with how these turned out, but they were decent, mostly proportion-wise. And again, I can change whatever I want as i'm my own boss! >:O

So back to the modeling. As I said I've finished the basemesh... sorta. So here it is!

I'm kinda happy with this guy, but since the beginning there's something that's just been... off. I think it's gotta be the face, which will be the thing that takes the most tweaking. Also as i've said to some tutors I think when I get round to doing the blendshapes, the extreme expressions should really bring him to life as in every drawing I've done he's been grinning or scowling or something like that, whereas here he looks dead boring.

I also think the proportions could use more work - although i'm not sure in which area, or perhaps if it's just the pose.

Although I am happy with certain parts of the model. I'm quite chuffed with the topology of the body, I think it's a decent density mesh with all of the definitions that I wanted. I'll add bits and pieces in mudbox but I think it's a really solid basemesh. Fingers crossed it'll deform well, too.

I'm also pretty happy with the accessories that i've modeled, eg. the gloves and the shoes. Check out these babies :P

took me like a day to model lolz. But yeah, this is where i'm at. Next week is back to Andy's models for weighting (urk) and the week after it's back to my guy! I'm a bit behind, I won't lie, and that's a nightmare. But i'm sure it'll all sort itself out in the end.

As a bonus here are some of the drawings that i've done for Pete!

Thankyou and goodnight!


buyd800 said...

nice work man, jealous as always! I'm loving the boots!
Good to see you're using NEX :P

buyd800 said...

also I like the last 2 pics alot