Tuesday 16 June 2009

Even more stuff!

Cut to the chase.

Through some doodling today I think I may have come up with my main character and more of a storyline :D So this is Lightning Mike (Junior). A name I actually stole from Andy's mouth haha. He called one of the media center guys Lightning Mike and i thought it was an awesome name and didn't forget it. So this is him, and obviously all characters need motivation to be doing whatever they're doing. So in the Nazi vein of things an idea I thought of is that the Nerd Lord guy could've taken away all of the people he didn't like/thought to be a threat to his kingdom, locked them away somewhere, and these people included the loved ones of some of the cast. Lightning Mike Senior would've been taken away for being.. too awesome or something. He's a pro boxer and who Lightning Mike Jnr. aspires to. So yeah there's a bunch of underdogs going for the Nerd Lord, and here's the main guy. Typing like a retard for some reason but i'm drawing alright so whatever. He's pretty snazzy, slick-back hair. Go-getter.

Some doodles from yesterday, trying to figure out a brawler at first then I started drawing musicians/bards. I really like the guy on the right, just the type of crazy character i'm going for. He can shred but he can also prance around like an idiot with a flute. The other one is weird lol. I can't wait to get some of these guys modeled. Mudbox trial has run out on these comps though :/ What'll I do over summer eh...

Doodles from today of the Nerd LORD. I don't want him to be reminiscent of the Nerd character at all, and I want him to be sort of shrivelled, instantly evil/corrupt looking, but sort of goofy at the same time. I really like the little thumbnail that might be difficult to notice at the bottom right of the page, with him sitting in a gigantic chair. I'll definitely try to use this if possible. I'm thinking also of a massive map of the world under a glass table in front of him... maybe with playing pieces... it could be some sort of gadget also. *still need to think about magic in more detail...* the doodles aren't amazing but look better with a splash of colour, I think this guy will come to fruition in 3d mainly. It's a start anyway.

Finally there's this. I did it because I'm in a crisis about who to include in the film, I just won't have time to make something really nice if i try to make 120398 characters like I want to. My main concerns include:
  • Just how many characters can I get away with? 4? 5? I'm thinking 5 good guys max. Then there's the evil guy, A guard and variations and bystanders if necessary. Oh, also bad guys they need to slice up... ugh....
  • I don't feel I have any 'strong' girl characters in the fray just yet, the silhouettes are okay but i've not done a sketch of a girl I like yet.
  • Lightning Mike is in cause he's the main guy. Mascot is in cause I need a tank. I'm attatched to the Nerd and I like the Musician. The Poet has a nice and different silhouette. Basically I like all the male chars in the frame, and that makes up 5 on it's own.
  • Do I need a healer? When I think about it I don't often see healers in exciting trailers but all my girls are healers and I want a girl in there for variation x_x
I guess all will be answered in time. I'd really like some people to bat ideas back and forth with though. Times like this I'd like it if us 2nd years commented on each others blogs, then I wouldn't have to bug my friends :P

I'm out. V

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