Monday 1 June 2009

Wee Postage.

Had a nice kinda free day today and managed to get on an art-roll. Drew up 3 rough concepts for characters for my Third Year Project (which I still need a title for...) and i'm pretty happy with all of them :D. Of course they'll go through a million iterations yet (hopefully) but I think i'm having a good start. Here they are:


This class (remember, all names and everything are work in progress and will change.) i'm thinking will be like the Mage, or maybe the Calculator/Mathematician ala Final Fantasy Tactics. High Intelligence (As you can see i've added a silly stat chart), Low Strength and HP, the usual magey stuff.


I sort of went for the Swordsman angle here, spurred on by the cheesy line 'wield your pen like a sword' <_< >_> I know. I'm so using that in my design bible though lollers. So yeah, Agile, Dextrous, I'd like to make him Charismatic also but I think he's got enough stats as it is.


Every RPG needs a tank (well, not really but whatever). A guy to absorb the damage and keep the little mageys from harms way. I was thinking of a sportsman, and i've been drawing stupid panda related stuff for a while, which sort of filtered down into this. I like his happy/goofy look, will try to develop him further. Mascot might be a bit of a random name, it was used in Final Fantasy X-2 as the 'ultimate' class, but I never actually unlocked it. I just related it from the american football route. Anywho, like I said all WIP. (And sort of bad scans, sorry about that. I'll tidy them all up if i decide to paint 'em :])

And to round off this little post, here are some paintings I did (two in two days, an absolute record) for the Talking Dog project in a mad rush on the final day. We've actually FINISHED a rough cut of the film now :D woooooooooooooooooooo. I'll talk about it in more detail next blog or something. Here are the paintings anyway (quite rough, as instructed by andy, but they aren't too bad I don't think.)

(sneaky jim reference lolz)

DONE! lata.

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