Monday 8 June 2009


Real quick new post (keeping up steam w00t) since I just formatted a bunch of pictures for blogging. Here they are with descriptions:

Okay I was doing some general doodling to get some ideas for character classes and this guy turned up. He looks sort of magical but he's not nerdy enough to be a nerdmage. A while ago I thought of using goths or weird kids as a way of integrating magic into the game so I might try to develop this further. I really like the design anyway. One thing I'm a little concerned about is keeping the designs of a similar style. I don't think it'll be too much of a problem though as long as I keep it in mind and continue using the same style when i'm making them in 3d. I like this guy anyway.

EDIT: EARTHCHILD! That name just came to me and I like it! Maybe they can be the enfeeblers :D

Continued doodling in the magical theme, and I came up with this girl. Thinking she could possibly be the female version of whatever class the above guy is. I'm digging the colour I used to highlight her also. The other ones are pretty crappy.

Here's some brainstorming for overall character classes. I won't go into detail, found it kinda difficult though. I'd like a nicely balanced set of classes, maybe 2 different classes to fill each role (Tank, Damage Dealer, Healer, Enfeebler, Maybe i'll explain those later.) Obviously it doesn't matter a huge amount since i'm not actually creating the game, but still I'd like to pretend that I actually would be creating the gameplay system one day. It'll lend to a very balanced cast if I do it which is also handy. This needs more thought anyway.

Continuing from the last post where I had that idea (which I think may play quite a large role in the film) about having sort of a police state, I started doing some doodles last night for the guards. My aim is to have them pretty goofy and quite clearly the understudies.. or footsoldiers if you will (or at least some of them, I could have variations in the guards, some more goofy, some mean looking guys. but this is modeling time permitting of course.) The names that i'm throwing around are either 'Enforcer', or, as a little in-joke to gamers, 'X-bots', which is a name that Microsoft fanboys sometimes get called. (Pretty gay but again if i'm basing the bad guy on bill gates then it makes sense.)

That's pretty much all for now but I have finally had some ideas for the name of the piece. I've found it sooooorta difficult coming up with a good one but it's not like i've been thinking about it alot. Had a little think last night and I started thinking "World... world... Other World? Other Land? ...Fatherland? Farther Land."

So that lame example was my train of thought, but I think Farther Land is the best idea that i've come up with so far. It kind of has the same ring as something like Neverland, reinforcing the fantasy element, and I did a little google to find that 'Fatherland' was a novel by some guy about what if the Germans won WW2. This kind of makes sense as well, since my fictional country will have been taken over, also. So i'm not sure if i'll go with it yet, but I can see it working possibly. One thing that i've noticed with names anyway, is that when you're introduced to something, you don't necessarily think into the name straight away. I can't think of any examples right now but in my experience I always just accept names for what they are and sometimes come back to them and think 'what a weird name' or 'actually that's quite interesting/cool'.

I'll leave it there. Keep it real (H).

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